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I want to start by saying thank you for all your wonderful advice concerning my dilemma the week before last – I really appreciated it and it was all really helpful. I am definitely going to concentrate on the orders and developing new ideas and put the fairs on the backseat for now (I may do one or two, the ones that I know are fun and worth doing). Now I have reached that decision, I feel a lot less stressed so thank you all again.

I missed Handmade Monday last week as we were busy moving furniture into Dad’s extension. Everything is ready for him to move in and he has all his posessions there, albeit in boxes, to sort and put away. I’d move in there like a shot, but he’s holding back and I’m a bit worried that he won’t go in there at all and all the hard work will have been in vain. Any ideas how to persuade him?

Back to the crafting, and I have been busy felting away! I’ve done more bees and ladybirds, but also was asked to create a bunny. So here she is, accompanied by the other items that my customer ordered.

IMG_6911I’ve also had the chance to make some cakes.

IMG_6904These were bought as a gift and I had some lovely feedback about how pleased the recipient was with them.

And this lovely pastel orange and yellow flower, which I think would also look lovely as a brooch.


This week I’ve got more bees and ladybirds to make, and also an owl in the colours of Leeds Rhinos rugby team which should be interesting!

I need to tell you about the wonderful Birthday present that Natalie from Freespirit Designs has made for my husband, but I will let her reveal all when she is ready! Needless to say it is wonderful and I am thrilled to bits with it and am sure he will be too.

Right, off to link up with all the other lovely Handmade Monday blogs over at Handmade Harbour and will see you all next week. Have a good one.